Exibition 2010
Exhibition 2011
About the artist
About the artist

Janna F. Fabian

Today I am a 68 year retired Dane living in Spain.

I was educated as an accountant and learned languages besides.   I speak, apart from Danish, English, German, Swedish, and a bit of French and  Italian. Now I take lessons in Spanish.

I have studied psychology in both humans and animals, especially dogs.

I worked for 10 years in various offices, but in 1970 I began as an airhostess in SAS, at the time when it was a good job. The good life unfortunately  ended  after 18 years , with an accident while at work.

As a child I was sketching and coloring a lot, and I also took lessons, but life interfered, marriage and work.

As my mother was a gifted artist I did not take up painting again until after she died in 2002. A good friend gave me a  much needed push and I became a member of an art club with 75 members, some of them professional artists, sculptures and painters, and I have participated in 6 shows in Denmark before moving here in 2007.

Early 2007 I packed a lorry with my belongings and set out for Spain, not really knowing where I would end up. The road led to Castell de Ferro and I have not for one minute regretted my life here.


Love Janna


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